Monthly Archives: November 2019
28 NovYearly, billions and billions of dollars are spent to convince customers to purchase things – from clothes to toys to insurance policies to private jets and more – and the focus is on seeing the best way of reaching people. Do our customers appreciate utility or fun more? Can we market luxury to them or are they more cost-conscious? What is their life like and how old are they? It is alarming to find out that a variety of strategies can be utilized to convince people to partner or buy with you.So allow me to save you some time. Customers are looking for one very specific thing more than anything else, something everyone wants in fact, and that is meaning. In order for people to build their dream lives the look for meaning in eve
27 Nov
First Scenario:
A client called with a dispute with one of the company's customers. The contract's signee was substituted by other people a few months into the project. Neither the person nor my client wrote down the decisions made by this person. Now the new team questions the work and price, which becomes a major headache.If it’s not written, it didn’t happen.Second Scenario:
When a customer calls to ask about your system's not working a month after your mechanic was out there, how often have your technicians said "I informed Mrs. Customers about it?"The question you should retort with is, "Did you write it down?"If they said no then it didn't hap -
26 Nov
The employees of Company #1 really liked the owner. His employees should like him. Employees were unable to control how much they did and how much time they spent. Nobody reviewed time cards or what the employees actually did. The manager was concerned that his workers would leave and he couldn't replace them. As such employees "didn't have rules to follow" since there were no repercussions.
The company owned the owner. He worked very long hours, had trouble with the flow of money and was heavily stressed! He never took the time to examine and know the numbers of his financial statements. He struggled and never appeared to be able to push ahead.
The employees of Company #2 also really liked the owner. The business is "a great place to work" according to his staff,
22 NovLeaders help build strong, cohesive teams that enable organizations to reach their goals. Part of being a strong leader is knowing what your team members expect from you. You become a better leader by knowing their desires and inspiring them to become an even stronger team that can accomplish anything.Here are 4 important expectations your team has for you as a leader:
Fallibility and Humility
Top leaders recognize vulnerabilities, but rely on their strengths. Understanding and admitting your not infallible makes your character look stronger and helps you earn the respect of others you work with because it demonstrates modesty. Admitting your inabilities is only a sign -
21 NovSharing bad news with a customer is never fun. Most people are afraid of having bad news. There are numerous types of bad news, for example an order didn't ship, a deadline will be missed, something was damaged, etc. It really doesn't matter what the bad news is, how you handle the bad news is the secret to managing the customer experience. Which takes me to Dollar Shave Club, which had to share the information that its rates were rising.Although the price hike wasn't very much – just a dollar a month – the news still had to be shared with their clients. How they did it was a perfect lesson on how to share negative news, ideally without upsetting the client.They sent a letter to their members. The fir